I love this kid! He is adorable and so sweet and I love how into football and tackling he his.

Me and the Cam-jam. Tender. Also we didn't take a lot of pictures this break. Silly us.
I went to Utah for Thanksgiving break. I stayed with Ashley and Jake and Ben came and stayed at there house too! Hooray for family! It was just the break that I needed. I was able to catch up on some school work that I had been falling behind in. And I was able to chill with family and hang out with my awesome nephew and Ben and I bonded with late night conversations. I just love my family so much and loved this break! On the last night, Ben is the only witness, but I lost my mind a little bit. I could not stop laughing for sooo long! It was crazy. I kept trying to stop and pull it together but then I would laugh all over again. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, it felt good.
Things I am particularly thankful for this year:
- I am so thankful for Ashley and Jake and for them letting me crash in their basement and do my laundry and eat all their food and just their awesome hospitality. They are awesome.
- for Ben and his sense of humor and how we always have awesome conversations and laugh really hard. Ben is always so chill and easy to get along with and I'm so proud of him for going on a mission.
- for Matt and how awesome he is and how he is always involved in lots of things and such a people person. He can always make people feel included and he is the life of the party, I admire that Matt.
- for my Dad and all that he does for me. For his example and his humor and his musical talent and I just love him to pieces.
- for my mom and how she taught me how to work hard and her example to me and how she is always so giving and how in shape and strong she is.
-for Marg and Mike and Bradley and Mr. Smiles for their support and love and I just love you guys so much!
- So basically FAMILY!
- technology and new computers that work so fast and make school so much easier
- a car that gets me around to where I need to go
- good friends
- education
- warm clothes
- blankets that are fresh out of the dryer
- food
- freedom
- the gospel and a testimony
- the scriptures
- garbage disposal
- washer and dryer
- things that smell good
- music
- and oh so much more.
Life is good and I have so many blessings.