September 30, 2015
Weston is 6 months old today! That is half of a year! I can’t
believe it. We love our Weston. He sure is a sweet boy. He is so happy and
smiley. We are so blessed to have him in our home; he has such a sweet spirit.
I’m grateful everyday for him and that he is healthy and happy.
6 month Weston:
- still loves to be outside
getting much more talkative (he has a very high
pitch squawk)
getting more mobile (he can spin in a circle on
his stomach and roll over easily)
he loves to walk if you hold him up
eats a lot of baby food (just about 2 jars
he’s getting more hair
he’s working on some teeth and is drooling so
much (he usually soaks at least 2 bibs everyday)
can sit up on his own until he gets excited and
tries to reach for something
loves his blanket to sleep
doesn’t like to snuggle
when you hold him he pushes away from you and
spins around at the same time (likes to see where he is going)
he gets excited when he sees trucks drive by
he’s as cute as ever