Thursday, May 29, 2014

Texas Trip (April 23 - May 3, 2014)

I have been slacking on my blog posts. Sorry about that. Life has been crazy. In the last couple of months we:
- got back from spending 4 or 5 months in Nevada (didn't really plan that, it just happened)
- Justin started his 2nd to last semester (I'm so excited for him to be done)
- I went to Texas for a week and a half for an impromptu reunion
- I worked for 2 weeks cutting potatoes (that was a new adventure)
- we just got back from a Holt reunion in their cabin in Nevada

But here are some pictures of my Texas trip (it was so fun and so wonderful to see almost all of my family): It was a grand old time. We did so many fun things. I have a more detailed account of my trip in my journal. I love my family!

My wonderful nephews and niece (Andrew, Bradley, Cameron, Taylor)
They are so cute. The theme song for the trip was "Let it Go"

Mom and I went to this park where there are alligators just hanging out. It was awesome!

This giant guy was just chillin' right in the path. We just slowly and quietly walked by him. It was quite sketchy, but very exciting.

I love my mom. She is my hero

We hiked down to this river; beautiful!

We went to the Bluebell Factory and learned how they make ice cream. Very cool!

Then we got a scoop of the ice cream! Yay!

Me and Tay tay

Poor Ben has a broken foot and was a trooper

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time! Hilarious. haha

This is another great shot of us

We went to Chuck e Cheese (or Chunky Cheese as mom says) for Andrew's 4th birthday

Ben and I had a blast playing all the games

Andrew turns 4!

The Texas Battleship

It was fun exploring it

Andrew and I played a lot of games together

We went to eat at the Goodson's Cafe. Represent. Woot.


Here we all are (minus Dad, Matt, Jake, and Justin)

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